Ultravnc Driver Installation Failed Windows 7

The Mirror Video Driver is a driver that UltraVNC Windows Vista Windows 7. Installation. the actual mirror driver stuff Mv2.inf installation file.

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Video Hook Driver Driver Installation Failed

SO I spent WAY too much time trying to figure out how to get the Video Hook Driver installed in UltraVNC Server. I tried all the other suggestions I could find to no avail. For those out there with my same problem here is the solution I found; unique to the others out there. May it serve you well.

This applies to installation of the Video Hook Driver on both the Ultimate and Home Premium flavors of Vista x64 although untested, my guess is that it will work on the other flavors as well. Not so sure about other versions of Windows though - probably some slight modifications needed. This was tested in both a VMWare Virtual Machine and a real nuts-and-bolts HP box.

Assuming you have installed and configured UltraVNC server to your liking and have it running well:

I found the video hook drivers in the UltraVNC install directory C: Program Files x86 UltraVNC drivers.zip to work perfectly. Locate this zip archive and extract it to the root of your C: drive. Navigate inside the extracted directory and then inside the vista64 directory or the directory appropriate for you OS version and type. Once inside you should have the following:

Right click setupdrv.exe and choose CREATE SHORTCUT.

Right click the newly created setupdrv.exe - shortcut and select PROPERTIES

select the SHORTCUT tab near the top of the newly appeared properties window.

In the text box to the left of Target: add install after the listed path to setupdrv.exe. eg. mine reads C: driver vista64 setupdrv.exe install. That is one space between setupdrv.exe and install.

Next click the ADVANCED button below and in the new window select RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR.

Click the OK button to close the Advanced Properties window, click the APPLY button in the main properties window that reappears and finally click OK to close this window.

Finally double-click the setupdrv.exe - shortcut icon.

You may be prompted at this point to trust/accept installation of the driver which, of course, you want to accept.

It may take a few minutes to install and the screen may flicker. There will be no confirmation of success or failure.

To confirm right click the WinVNC eye icon in your system tray and select PROPERTIES.

In the window that pops up press the CHECK THE VIDEO HOOK DRIVER button. If you get a message saying the driver is not active this means it is present and installed - success.

Check the VIDEO HOOK DRIVER box to the left of the button, click APPLY below and then click OK.

You are now rolling with the Video Hook Driver installed and active.

I was able to do this successfully with the server actively running from a remote computer while connected using VNC several times with no problems.

My guess is that at some future date, if I want to install and upgraded driver I will use the method above substituting uninstall for install in the shortcut properties window to remove the old driver first. You will most likely need to reboot and then proceed as above to install the new driver.

FYI even though I was logged into the Administrator account, I kept getting Driver Installation Failed before using the method outlined above.

I Hope this proves useful for the others out there stumped like I was.

Last edited by theFATangel on 2009-03-03 , edited 1 time in total.

Re: Video Hook Driver Driver Installation Failed

Thanks. I was scratching my head over this one too. Apparently, the main exe doesn t really do anything in and of itself. It needs a parameter as you ve laid out. I think install.bat was intended to do the same thing as your shorcut trick, as you can easily see by opening it. However, perhaps the syntax is wrong in the batch file. I think either a. exe must be appended onto the name of the app, or the full path of the exe must be indicated. I m not entirely sure though

To answer some of the questions you bring up floepie:

I think install.bat was intended to do the same thing as your shortcut trick, as you can easily see by opening it. However, perhaps the syntax is wrong in the batch file. I think either a. exe must be appended onto the name of the app, or the full path of the exe must be indicated. I m not entirely sure though

The only reason my method works is because we are installing the driver with the elevated privileges of the Administrator. The path to the file and the . exe extension have nothing to do with it from my experience troubleshooting this driver installation.

I now have two instances of the video driver in the device manager. Is that normal.

I do not have two instances myself and question whether this is acceptable. It may make sense if you have two displays extended over one desktop or possibly mirrored not really sure if having two displays would necessitate two instances of the driver though, just guessing. Also having two graphics cards may be a logical reason.

Personally I would make sure only one display and graphics card is present in the machine and then check the device manager. If two instances still appear, then I would uninstall both, and then reinstall the driver once using the method I described above. I hope this helps, keep us up to date.

Well, it turns out the install.bat works just fine to install the driver. But, here s the odd thing: It will only work from a rights-elevated cmd prompt C: path to file install.bat. But, it will not install if you run the install.bat as an admin right-click run as admin. I really thought running the install.bat as an admin would do it, but apparently not, and I have no idea why it does not work in that manner. It probably has something to do with the admin not having the full admin token, but then, that doesn t explain why you can do it from the cmd prompt.

And, I did remove that second instance of the video driver. My only beef with the video driver is that the Vista interface reverts to the basic theme from the Aero theme. There is an option to keep the theme as Aero, but that only works if the video driver is NOT installed. Anyone know how to retain the Aero theme AND use the video hook driver.

Remarkably, I followed the above procedure and I still got a driver installation failed message. Just for grins and giggles, I ran the shortcut in the Run as Administrator mode, and god forbid, it actually worked. I HATE VISTA. If my machine had xp drivers, I d downgrade before I could hit cntr-alt-del

Nice. Though I had to run the shortcut three times before it worked.

And yes kills Aero. Thankfully easy to get back

1. Right Click My Computer Properties

2. Click Advanced system settings under Tasks on left-side bar

3. Click the Settings button under Performance

4. Scroll to very bottom and un-check Use visual styles on windows and buttons and click the apply button.

5. Recheck option in step 4 and again click apply. Now Aero is back.

Posts: 9Joined: 2008-12-24 Location: U.S.A

I have tried the OPs method without success.

Using the install.bat while logged in as admin I do in fact see a delay, then the screen flashes as one would expect and the cmd window vanished. After that when I check the device manager I see the hook driver listed. Sounds good right. but when I use the Check the video hook driver button it says not installed/not present etc.., and lists garbage characters after vncdrv.dll Version.

I m trying to use uvnc over my home LAN and performance is very poor hence I m trying to get the mirror driver going. Whats maddening is that realVNC performs GREAT on my lan but doesnt work with Vista 64 /

uvnc Server is Vista 64 Ultimate

Phenom 2.4ghz/ 2gb Crucial ballistix/790GX chipset ASUS mobo

uvnc viewer is Dell Vostro laptop w/WinXP Home

Thank you This worked flawlessly.. I was having display issues delay on right-click menus, to be exact on my Windows Server 2008 SP2 X86.

I tried installing the driver by running setupdrv.exe from default location:

BUT nothing would happen. The install wouldn t run nor would I get any notifications that anything happened.

I followed your instructions and now I m running perfectly on Server 2008.

By the way, I also installed the driver using a remote computer without any issues whatsoever.

Last edited by Newbie_from_NJ on 2009-07-02 , edited 1 time in total.

I try to deploy UltraVNC to over 600 PCs with SCCM from MS, but unfortunately the driver doesn t want wo be installed.

I also tried the exe-Installation files, which I downloaded from another thread here in the forum.

Normally the driver should already been installed through the UltraVNC setup.

I used the script from the following thread to re-compile the program with the corresponding drivers and Add-Ons.

But the strange is, that when I manually install the software without any deployment, it works correctly and the driver is installed.

The user which runs the task is also an administrator, so I can expect, that it s not caused by insufficient rights.

I have used the install.bat while on an administrator account to be able to proceed without problem but have noticed a certain delay with the accomplishment of the driver installation.

I have earlier installed a similar implementation on another machine and there were no problems with that one, though with this one, the command prompt seems to be flashing a lot of times halfway through it.

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Estetico. Ultravnc driver installation failed. The frustration the the popular and operational over Maurices face, then people off and games into ultravnc Ultravn c.

UltraVnc Mirror Driver. Driver The Mirror Driver SDK contain more The program setupdrv.exe is located in the folder you ve chosen during the driver installation.

More Ultravnc driver installation failed. Ultravnc driver agent ultravnc driver installation failed See the ultravnc driver installation failed file Reg1.


Windows 7 Remote TightVNC UltraVNC UltraVNC UltraVNC Mirror driver Retrieved from Windows_7_Remote.

Mirror driver install causes Driver installation faile

I am trying to perform an unattended install of UltraVNC including the UltraVNC mirror driver via repackaging with Wise Package Studio 7.0 SP3 to produce a MSI. The target platform is Microsoft Windows XP SP3 x86.

I have successfully repackaged the files/.INI/shortcuts and even added a Custom Action to execute winvnc.exe -install after the files/.INI/shortcuts are copied to the installation folder to install and start the uvnc_service service. This works without any problems.

Where I am having problems is with the unattended install of the mirror driver as an additional Custom Action. After downloading the drivers.zip file, I can see two options to install the mirror driver in an unattended way:

Execute. . driver xp install.bat which simply executes setupdrv.exe install, orExecute. . driver xp install_silent.bat which simply executes setupdrv.exe installs The first problem is that. . driver xp install_silent.bat file i.e., setupdrv.exe installs does not work, as the driver is not installed after executing this e.g., the mv2.dll file and other driver related files are not dropped into C: Windows System32 and the mv video hook driver2 is not present in the Device Manager Display adapters. Is this what everyone else has experienced.

Regardless, this isn t so much of a problem as. . driver xp install.bat i.e., setupdrv.exe install does appear to work more or less silently -- but only if you execute it manually. Which leads me to the second i.e., the real problem:

If I add a Custom Action into my MSI installation script to execute C: Program Files UltraVNC Mirror setupdrv.exe install, it fails with a Driver installation failed error and the mirror driver is not installed.If I add a Custom Action into my MSI installation script to execute a VB script to copy the driver files into Temp and execute Temp setupdrv.exe install, it also fails with a Driver installation failed error and the mirror driver is not installed.If I add a Custom Action into my MSI installation script to execute a VB script to copy the driver files into C: Temp i.e., short path with no spaces and execute C: Temp setupdrv.exe install, it again fails with a Driver installation failed error and the mirror driver is not installed.

Note: I copy the XP version from drivers.zip of setupdrv.exe, driver mv2.cat, driver mv2.dll, driver mv2.inf, driver mv2.sys into the target destinations above from my MSI as a Custom Action so the files are present on the target system during and after install time. I can run setupdrv.exe install from any of the above locations manually i.e., from the Start Run dialog once my MSI copies the file across and it will execute and install the mirror driver fine which is strange.

Can anyone shed any light on these Driver installation failed errors. Are there any log files or is it possible to turn logging on for setupdrv.exe.

I found some older posts several years old on this forum that referenced the exact same Driver installation failed error message, but the proposed solutions were not helpful unfortunately.

Last edited by segfault on 2009-08-09 , edited 2 times in total.

Re: Mirror driver install causes Driver installation f

I am experiencing much the same problem. Using WPKG, if I set the client to WPKG user interface Show, the unattended install script proceeds correctly. If I uncheck Show, it doesn t work.

Logged in user rights doesn t seem to impact this at all; I attempted as a limited user as well as an admin.

Seems almost as if the command needs access to the local session to install. Can anybody shed some light on this.

Rudi De Vos wrote:MS block video driver installation from non local screen.

You need to be in front of the PC or clone the real console session via vnc.That makes me sad. Do we have any idea if that setting can be disabled. I m digging around in gpedit.msc but not seeing anything useful.

I am trying to use WPKG to deploy and am having the same problem.

If I run the bat file or the. exe with install/s switch then it installs but using cmd /c or comspec /c is doesn t.

Does anyone know what setupdrv.exe does so that I can try to copy files and create a. reg myself.

I ve made a. bat to install / update ultraVNC using PSExec

It works like a charm but I can t install the mirror drivers.

With install parameter, setupdrv.exe never end and does not install

With installs parameter, it does nothing

So I have to use my script to install VNC, then I have to use VNC to go throught a real admin session and install Mirror Drivers then reboot

Is there really no way to install this driver via a non local session.

If I have to deploy mv2.dll and launch some command and regedit keys it s not a problem.

Last edited by sheen on 2011-03-21 , edited 5 times in total.

I was able to install trusted certificate on Windows Seven and install silently mirror driver with Devcon.

But I can t do the same on Windows XP x86, this is what I m doing :

- In setup I check mirror drivers download to get the latest mirror drivers x86.

- I go in properties of mv2.dll and I install manually the certificate let it export later, before I want to check if that works

- I can see the certificate into certificate manager, trusted publisher section, in Internet Explorer like in Windows Seven

- I use devcon x86 to install the mirror driver, but I got the warning concerning unsigned driver

I don t understand why because I ve installed the mv2.dll certificate it should work like on Windows Seven but it does not : I have the unsigned driver warning.

Last edited by sheen on 2011-04-13 , edited 5 times in total.

sheen wrote:- I use devcon x86 to install the mirror driver, but I got the warning concerning unsigned driver

In XP I got the same error about unsigned driver. I also install the certificate successfully.

Have you downloaded the mirror driver recently. Although the mirror

driver files did not change with the release of, Rudi updated the

certificate to sometime in 2014. Prior to that change the mirror driver

cert was set to expire around April 10, 2011.

XP does not support authenticode driver signing.

The only driver signing recognized by Windows XP is a WHQL signature.

Drivers need to be signed by MS. this is to expensive and a paper hell.

For the installer we did a little trick to avoid the popup.

The setupdrv.exe we use detect the popup and press the ok button

This trick only works when you have a desktop, setupdrv need to be able

to detect the popup window. Running setupdrv from some service without a logon is likely to fail to press the ok button.

Re: Mirror driver install causes Driver installation failed

Wrote a powershell script which seems to work on Win7 and WinXP boxes. The setupdrv.exe line would cause the HKLM: SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion RunOnce key to run whatever was in it, so I disabled it for the line. This is only a section of a bigger script which reboots and runs while starting. I renamed the folders to xp32, xp64, vista32, and vista64 no W2K folder. Needed to rename them to keep the code short. I exported the certificate from mv2.dll Properties Digital Signatures Details View Certificate Details Copy to File. Here is the section of script:

Code: Select allfunction Import-509Certificate

pfx New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2

store New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store certStore, certRootStore

Import-509Certificate Resolve-Path. driver sign.cer select -ExpandProperty Path LocalMachine TrustedPublisher

Global:os Get-WmiObject -Class  Win32_OperatingSystem. Version

Global:arch Get-WmiObject -Class  Win32_Processor. AddressWidth

netsh advfirewall firewall DELETE rule name VNC server for win32 Out-Null

netsh advfirewall firewall DELETE rule name winvnc.exe Out-Null

netsh advfirewall firewall ADD rule NAME VNC server for win32 DIR in ACTION allow PROGRAM Resolve-Path winvnc.exe select -ExpandProperty Path Out-Null

netsh firewall DELETE AllowedProgram PROGRAM Resolve-Path winvnc.exe select -ExpandProperty Path Out-Null

netsh firewall ADD AllowedProgram PROGRAM Resolve-Path winvnc.exe select -ExpandProperty Path NAME VNC server for win32 MODE ENABLE SCOPE Subnet Out-Null

Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKLM: SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion RunOnce -Name Update

Push-Location. driver folder arch

Get-Process setupdrv Wait-Process

New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM: SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion RunOnce -Name Update -PropertyType String -Value PSHOME powershell.exe New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject. GetFile Resolve-Path. Main-Switch.ps1. ShortPath -Force null

Atticus wrote:Wrote a powershell script which seems to work on Win7 and WinXP boxes. The setupdrv.exe line would cause the HKLM: SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion RunOnce key to run whatever was in it, so I disabled it for the line. This is only a section of a bigger script which reboots and runs while starting. I renamed the folders to xp32, xp64, vista32, and vista64 no W2K folder. Needed to rename them to keep the code short. I exported the certificate from mv2.dll Properties Digital Signatures Details View Certificate Details Copy to File.

Can you explain more how to run this on every computer in a domain. Is it possible to deploy this in GPO. Where to put this script and how to run it.

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